This film is based on a true story and a 2009 novel written by Casey Sherman and Michael J. Tougias of events that happened in February of 1952. One of the worst storms to ever hit the East Coast in New England occurred on this date. Two oil tankers off the East Coast were torn in half. These ships were constructed during WWII and they were built quickly to get them into the war. The winds and the waves were so strong that the welds gave way just forward of the engines. Off the coast of Cape Cod, a small lifeboat was sent out with four members of the Coast Guard. Another larger lifeboat was sent to rescue the crew on the second tanker. There was a dangerous shoal the smaller boat had to cross before they could get to open water. Thirty-two sailors were on the tanker they were trying to reach. The temperatures were frigid with snow falling in the town and the waves were 70 feet high.
is a very tense movie with action every minute as soon as the lifeboat sets out
to sea. You don’t know if the
tanker is going to stay afloat long enough for the rescue. You also don’t now if the lifeboat is
going to be able to cross the shoal. Another
problem is how will they bring 32 men back on the small lifeboat. One good thing is the lifeboat is
self-stabilizing and it will be able to right itself. Everything seems to be happening in real time and a real
situation. 4 ½* (I loved this
min, Action directed by Craig Gillespie with Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, Ben
Foster, Eric Bana, Holliday Grainger, John Ortiz, Kyle Gallner, John Magaro,
Graham McTavish, Michael Raymond-James, Beau Knapp.