Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Secrets of the Dead: World War Speed 2019

     It is well known that German soldiers used a methamphetamine called Pervitin in WWII.  It was also known as a “super-drug” created in the 1930’s.  The tales about the German soldiers by 1941 may have hidden the massive use of stimulants by British and American troops?  The Allied commanders referred to these drugs as “force enhancers."  Historian James Holland has dug deeper into this subject to reveal the truth.  One in three Allied soldiers were incapacitated without a physical scratch on them.  Modern weapons and warfare were so much more terrifying.  Almost as many men were felled by combat fatigue and shell shock as those who were killed.  It is now known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  The continual firing of bullets, the noise and the flying shrapnel caused PTSD but this diagnosis was unknown during this period.  Benzedrine is an amphetamine similar to Pervitin.  Benzedrine was used to fight sleep deprivation, anxiety and fear among the troops.  How this drug affected the course of WWII is an ongoing controversy and debate.

     Secrets of the Dead is produced by WNMET 13 New York and it is an ongoing PBS television series beginning in 2000.  The programs incorporate primary source material, first-hand accounts, dramatic reenactments and computer-generated images to tell the stories.  James Holland is an English historian, author and broadcaster specializing in the history of WWII.  He set out to learn from experts about the use of drugs by the Germans and Allied troops.  Some of these drugs and the packaging have been preserved as evidence of their use.  Using modern science they can reconstruct some of the battle scenarios such as driving and being inside a tank.  4 ½* (I really liked this episode)   

60 min, Doc, directed and written by Steven Hoggard with James Holland, Rasmus Svihus, Peter Steinkamp, James Pugh, Edgar Jones, Astrid Ley.

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