Friday, March 7, 2014

Under the Sand 2000

Under The Sand     Marie and Jean live in Paris and they have been happily married for 25 years.  They spend their summer vacations at their country home in the southwest of France.  For their first day after their arrival this summer, they go to the beach.  Marie would like to rest and Jean goes into the water.  Marie wakes up and she doesn’t see Jean anywhere. She drives to the part of the beach where there are lifeguards and asks for help.  They take her back and request a helicopter to search the area.  Marie doesn’t know what to think, has he left her, committed suicide, accidental drowning?  She acts like he is still alive and living with her.
     Even though this is somber material this movie is enjoyable.  Marie really believes Jean is still with her and she acts according.  She starts seeing another man but in her mind, she is having an affair.  The ending was unexpected?  3 ½* (I liked this movie)

92 min, Drama directed by Francois Ozon with Charlotte Rampling, Bruno Cremer, Jacques Nolot, Alexandra Stewart, Pierre Vernier, Andree Tainsy, Maya Gaugler, Damien Abbou, David Portugais, Pierre Soubestre.

Note:  Imdb 7.2 out of 10, 94% critic 83% audience on Rotten Tomatoes, Film Crave 2.75/4.
Special Note:  The opening scene is of the river and a bridge in Paris.  I've been there,  walked along the water and crossed the bridge. 

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