Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ingreedients 2009


     Filmmaker David Burton is also a registered nurse, he's surprised to learn that he and his fellow nurses are not trained in nutrition.  They are seeing a lot of people in hospitals, is there a link between more illness and our food supply?  Could trans fats and hydrogenated oils have something to do with the patient increase?  Trans fats have been shown to be a cause of heart disease which is the #1 cause of human death.  Burton is very concerned since he has a young daughter and he wants her to have healthy food.
     It is very interesting that the label of 0 trans fats on a package means the food can still contain up to .5 grams of trans fats per serving!!  Some manufactures have changed the serving size in order to be able to claim 0 trans fats on their packages.  As consumers and people who have to eat, let's face the fact that for any packaged food, the shelf life and lower cost ingredients are more important than human heath!!  3 1/2* (I liked this movie)

76 min, Doc directed by David Burton with Christopher Ashey, Jennifer Bellino, David Burton, Marianna Carroll, Kevin Conwell, Chris Cote, Caitlin Cullen, Robert DeMaria, David Dewey.

Note:  Blockbuster 2 1/2*, imdb 7.3 out of 10, no critic review 100% audience on Rotten Tomatoes.

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