Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fill The Void 2012

Fill the Void      Esther and Yochay are ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews living in Tel Aviv and expecting their first baby.  This is a very happy time for them until Esther has complications in childbirth and she dies.  Esther's family steps in to help Yochay care for the baby boy.  Rabbi Aharon, Yochay's father-in-law, counsels him to remarry as soon as he feels able for his benefit and also for his young son.  An eligible woman is found in Belgium but it requires them to leave Tel Aviv.  Esther’s mother, Rivka, feels her heart will break at the loss of both Yochay and the baby after the loss of her daughter.  Rivka comes up with a plan for her 18-year-old daughter Shira to marry Yochay.  Everyone connected with the family feels this is a drastic step and they are against the marriage.
     Shira is very naïve and she lives a closed and cloistered life.  She is meeting approved gentlemen her age but suddenly hit with a very different choice.  A very narrow focus in this film and also slow moving.  3* (This movie is OK) 

90 min, Drama directed by Ifal and Rama Burshtein with Renana Raz, Yiftach Klein, Hadas Yaron, Chayim Sharir, Irit Sheleg, Razia Israeli.

Note:  Blockbuster 4*, imdb 6.8 out of 10, 87% critic 72% audience on Rotten Tomatoes.

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