Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Painting 2013

     This film is based on a parable and it is a French animated adventure dubbed into English.  There is a kingdom that is divided into three castes.  The first caste is the impeccably painted Alldunns who reside in a majestic palace.  Alldunns treat both the Sketchies and Halfies inhumanely.  The Sketches are the second caste and the Halfies are the third class.  Aldunns force both the Sketchies and the Halfies to do their bidding plus they stomp and kill Sketchies.  This film inspires thoughts about prejudice and how to overcome it with tolerance instead.  

     There are three classes of people depicted in an unfinished painting.  The Alldunns are figures completely colored in.  Then there is the somewhat done Halfies and then the charcoal drawing Sketchies.  The themes show discrimination, tyranny and forbidden love.  It isn’t proper for one caste to be attracted to another caste.  This film has a wonderful story, it is beautifully animated and full of imagination.  It can be recommended for tweens and up.  There are some sad scenes that could scare some children (7 years old or under).  Older children above 9 and will be okay with these scenes.  4* (I really liked this movie)   

76 min, Animated directed by Jean-Francois Laguionie and Brahim Fritah, written by Anik Leray and Jean-Francois Laguionie.

Note:  82% with 22 critics 78% audience with 1074 ratings, Common Sense Media Sandie Angulo Chen age 9+, 3* positive, 3* role models, 3* violence, 2* sex, 1* language, 1* drinking, drugs & smoking,

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