Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Alice in Wonderland 1951

      This movie is an animated interpretation of Lewis Carroll’s story Alice in Wonderland.  Alice is a daydreaming young girl.  She loves stories with pictures and living inside her imagination.  She doesn’t like learning poems and listening to literature.  One day, she is listening to a poetry reading and she starts to day dream.  She spots a large white rabbit dressed in a jacket and carrying a large watch?  He runs off quickly and he says he’s late for a very important date?  Alice follows him through the forest.  When he disappears down a rabbit hole, Alice follows him down the hole.  This leads her to all kinds of discoveries, characters and adventures.

     I don’t know why but this is the first time I have seen this movie even though it is almost 70 years old?  There is some scariness when Alice meets the Queen of Hearts.  There is taunting language like stupidest and fat.  Three animal characters smoke either a pipe or a hookah.  Parents will need to decide if younger children might be concerned and/or confused?  Everything is very colorful, the music and songs are very inventive.  The message of this film is to appreciate the world around you.  5* (I really liked this movie)
Note:  Imdb 7.4* out of 10* with 126,907 reviews, Rotten Tomatoes 81% with 32 critics 78% with 574,323 audience scores, Metacritic 68 out of 100 with 10 critics 7.9 out of 10 with 37 ratings, Common Sense Media, Nell Minow, 4* out of 5*, age 4+, 1* educational, 3* positive 3* role models, 2* scariness 1* language 2* drinking, drugs, smoking, Amazon 4.8* out of 5* with 6142 reviews, Letterboxd 3.7* out of 5* with 485 fans, dove.org 1* sex, 1* language, 2* violence, 2* drugs, 1* nudity, 2* other (a character steals something and magic potions are used)

Special Note:  The character Knave of Hearts is based on an alternative name for the playing card Jack of Hearts.  The word knave is an English term for a male servant of royalty.  In French decks of cards, he is named after Etienne de Vignolles, 1390-1443.  He was a French military commander of the Hundred Year’s War.  In the Walrus and the Carpenter scenes, the R in the word March on the mother oyster’s calendar flashes.  This refers to the adage about only eating oysters in a month with an R in the name.  In the months without an R (May, June, July, August), these are summer months in England and oysters will not keep due to the heat in the days before refrigeration.
Error:  When Alice eats the cookie in the White Rabbit’s house and she grows, she says, “Oh, no, no, not again!”  Alice’s mouth does not move to these words?

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