Monday, February 18, 2019

V is for Vendetta 2005

     This film is based on a 1988 DC/Vertigo Comics limited series by Alan Moore and David Lloyd.  Evey Hammond is a resident of a futuristic Great Britain of 2031.  She tells the story of how she was an instrumental part in bringing down the fascist government in control of the country.  An unknown man in a Guy Fawkes mask saved her from a life-and-death situation.  He calls himself V and she begins to learn about his past.  She decides to help him bring down those who have dragged down Britain.
     Guy Fawkes was a real person and he lived from 13 April 1570 to 31 January 1606.  He fought for the Spanish and he was a member of a group of provincial English Catholics who planned the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605.  This was an attempt against King James I.  36 barrels of gunpowder were placed in a cellar under Westminster Hall below parliament.  The perpetrators were caught before the fuses could be lit.     The face of V is never shown because he is an idea or symbol.  A figure of Guy Fawkes is burned in effigy on bonfires around England every year on November 5.  There are MANY confusing ideas and there is a LOT of disorganization!!  Probably best not to think too deeply while viewing but don't lose concentration!!  3* (This movie is OK) 
132 min, Action directed by James McTeigue with Hugo Weaving, Natalie Portman, Rubert Graves, Stephen Fry, John Hurt, Tim Pigott-Smith, Roger Allam, Ben Miles, Sinead Cusack, Natasha Wightman, John Standing.

Note:  Imdb 8.2 out of 10, 73% critic 90% audience on Rotten Tomatoes, Roger Ebert 3*, Rolling Stone Peter Travers 3 ½* out of 4*, Empire Online 4* out of 5*.
Special Note:  There is a scene where V tips over black and red dominoes and they form a giant letter V.  Twenty-two thousand dominoes were used and it took four professional domino assemblers 200 hours to complete the set up!!  There is another scene where V walks through fire.  He is wearing a special fire resistant gel and a g-string.  His body temperature had to be lowered before shooting the scene.  It was 3 degrees below zero the night of the shoot.  15 minutes before the take, he would put on ice-cold flame resistant clothing.  When he took the clothing off, he would be covered wit the gel and it had been iced all day.  The secret police were called Fingermen because the New Order was arranged on the model of the human body.  The cast and crew were only allowed to shoot near the British Parliament and the Clock Tower from midnight to 4:30 am.  They could stop traffic for only four minutes at a time.  The budget was $54 million and the box office take was $132.5 million.

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