Friday, December 18, 2020

A Christmas Story 1983

      This film is based on the novel In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash by Jean Shepherd.  Christmas is approaching and nine year-old Ralphie wants only one thing!!  A Red Ryder Range 200 Shot BB gun!!  When he mentions it at the dinner table, his mother's immediate reaction is that he'll shoot his eye out??   He then decides on the same perfect idea to tell his teacher about what he wants but her reaction is just like his mother’s??  He fantasizes about what it would be like to be Red Ryder and catch the bad guys. When the big day arrives, he gets lots of presents under the tree including a lovely gift from his aunt that his mother just adores.  But what about the BB gun?

     The setting of this movie is the 1940’s.  It offers a sense of nostalgia and a view of earlier times plus what it means to be a kid at Christmas.  I always remember that the dad in this movie gets a lamp with a woman’s leg as the base?  I didn’t know this previously but the lamp was inspired an old-school soft drink, Nehi soda.  An advertisement featured two shapely disembodied legs up to the knee.  Also, before this film was made there was a series of short stories about a company whose name was a play on words involving the lady’s knee??  Replicas of the leg lamp have become prized awards for fans.  

     Both kids and adults use and discuss strong language.  Later Ralphie is punished for swearing by having his mouth washed out with soap!!  Ralphie is bullied and he beats up his nemesis but he feels bad about it later.  A child sticks his tongue out on a flagpole because of a dare and the fire department has to come to releases his tongue from the frozen surface!!  There are dated stereotypes about Asian people and their usage of English in a Chinese restaurant.  There is also a Christmas Story 2 from 2012 with 4.1* out of 5* on Amazon with1001 reviews.  5* (I really liked this movie because of the funny moments)

93 min, Comedy directed by written Bob Clark and written by Jean Shepherd, Leigh Brown with Melinda Dillon, Darren McGavin, Scott Schwartz, Jean Shepherd, Ian Petrella, Tedde Moore, R.D. Robb, Zack Ward,Yano Anaya, Jeff Gillen, Peter Billingsley, Colin Fox, Paul Hubbard, Leslie Carlson, Jim Hunter, Patty Johnson, Drew Hocevar, David Edward Dwayne McLean.

Note:  Imdb 7.9* out of 10* with 129,207 reviews, Common Sense Medai Nell Minow, age 8+ 5*, 1* educational role models, consumerism, drinking, drugs & smoking, sexy stuff, 2* violence & scariness, 3* language, 3* positive messages, Amazon 4.8* out of 5* with 18,471 reviews.

Special Note:  According to
director Bob Clark and also the Daisy Rifle historians speaking on the Special Edition DVD documentary of the history of the Red Ryder BB Gun, the model rifle as described by Ralphie in the film is a mistake?  When Jean Shepard originally wrote the story of Ralphie and his gun for her novel, he had written about the gun based on his childhood experiences but had miss-remembered the details of the Red Ryder BB Gun?  Specifically, the weapon did not have a compass or "This thing which tells time" (As Ralphie refers to the sundial).  Those features were a part of another BB Gun model made around the same time.  According to Bob Clark, no one realized this mistake until it came time to feature the gun in the film.  Then they were informed by the Daisy Rifle Company about their error.  The gun used in the film is actually a custom made hybrid to match Shepard’s memories. 

Mistakes:  Before Ralphie and Randy get in line to visit Santa in Higbee's Department store, the Wizard of Ozcharacters pass by.  The witch tries to talk to Ralphie and he won't interact with her because he's busy 'thinking'.   Watch Randy's face in this scene as he comes out of character for a moment and smiles at a scared little girl and she is also off camera.  She was afraid of the witch during rehearsal and never really was able to handle seeing the witch!! 

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