Monday, October 1, 2012

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead 2010

Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead (2010)      Joe Cross is an Australian who is 100 pounds overweight and taking steroids for a skin rash caused by body autoimmune disease.  He makes a personal decision to regain his health.  He visits his doctors first but decides to use the power of his own body to heal him.  He foregoes his junk food diet and starts juicing, he vows to only drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for 60 days.  He travels 3000 miles across the US to talk to other Americans about their diets.
     Joe uses a generator to power his juicer in the back of his car.  He is brave to show his body in at 310 pounds with a large belly.  This is inspiring, he helps himself but also meets another man in worse shape who needs Joe’s help.  3 ½* (I liked this movie) 

97 min, Doc directed by Joe Cross, Kurt Engfehr with Joe Cross, Kurt Engfehr, Merv Cross, Virginia Cross,Amy Badberg, Joel Fuhrman, Tammy Hamlin, Stacy Kennedy, Siong Norte.

Note:  Blockbuster 3*, imdb 7.7 out of 10, 67% critic 86% audience on Rotten Tomatoes. 

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